Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I looove this picture of Jackson. He is such a good kid. He is sweet to his sister. He loves me even when I am not the best mommy, lets face it this happens quite often. I miss him when he is at a friends house playing. He is a very fun kid to be around. He is very sensitive and smart. He could tell me how to get home from the store when he was two. He will be in first grade this year. WHAT! How did he grow up so fast?

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. Three years old . . . can you believe it! Her favorite birthday gift this year was "Lip Smacker" lip gloss (thanks grandma)! Samantha's got quite the personality. She is a typical girl -she fights me on everything, loves drama! She was born in Chicago at about 1 in the afternoon, scheduled c-section. She loves her brother, she has a hard time sleeping if hes not here. I love you baby!